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How To Propel Your Medical Practice Income To Unlimited Levels In 6 Months
The HOW TO PROPEL YOUR MEDICAL PRACTICE INCOME TO UNLIMITED LEVELS IN 6 MONTHS is a unique ebook of 350 pages, which provides medical doctors and other health care providers in private medical practice all the information on small business strategies and systems, including marketing strategies, appropriate for successful medical practice business growth and escalation of practice income for the long term. The only book of it's kind in the marketplace today.
How To Propel Your Medical Practice Income To Unlimited Levels In 6 Months What Your Medical School Didn't Teach You.....And What You Absolutely Must Know And Do About Your Business Side Of Medical Practice.....Because Real Financial Survival Of Your Medical Career Depends On It.....TODAY! When you see your medical practice overhead increasing---with your practice income decreasing, and aren't sure what to do about it, other than working harder and longer, you now have the ultimate much easier and more sensible solution right at your fingertips Wipe-Out the ONE totally neglected business education gap you never even noticed....that happened during your medical school education and you now may recognize as a profound necessity for your medical practice survival---and your families survival as well! A no B.S. fact! Start today! When you are willing to do what it takes to reach your maximal potential as a physician and demand the highest profitability from your medical practice, you should be hell-bent to invest your time and money in credible business information and business strategies provided by business and marketing experts and designed specifically for physicians who need help. Right now you are a fingertip away from that perfect resource. This ebook was written because I can see clearly now why my own medical practice failed financially. My arrogance of, I didn't know what I didn't know, prevented me from understanding why it all happened. About 20 years later, I discovered the secret and made a commitment to point out my mistakes to other doctors who often face the same dilemmas I did, and tell them the truth about the factors that slowly eat away at the foundation of every medical practice when you likely aren't paying attention. The shame of it all is that the loss of medical practice because of financial difficulties (don't make enough money to keep the practice going) is totally preventable by following the expert advice of business and marketing experts. Regrettably, the cost of hiring business management and marketing services far exceeds the cost most doctors can afford. Being an entrepreneur myself, I soon came up with the ammunition needed to enable doctors to do it all themselves, which is now described in this ebook I'm offering to you today. Please notice: The business and marketing principles and strategies contained in this ebook applies equally to all other professional healthcare providers and their practices for the same reasons. Who benefits from this medical practice marketing ebookb What's in it for youb a. If you are a graduating medical student, intern, or resident: $ It's the basic business education in 350 pages that you shouldhave received while in medical school--and didn't. $ Your practice will build much faster if you know this information before you even start a practice. $ Your income will rise faster and higher than doctors whonever care to know about these powerful tools. b. If you are a private physician wondering about how to earn more revenue faster to combat the unrelenting restrictions on your practice income from multiple sources: $ You have the advantage of the advice of many business experts in print at your fingertips and immediately available. $ You will know what to do and how to do it---including references to much more information, which explains the step-by-step process. $ Your mind will be opened to what you are truly capable of doing in your practice, should you not be locked-up in your comfort zone. c. If you are a white-haired physician with a practice fading away slowly and worried about retirement funding: $ You will find many strategies about how to increase your practice growth and income no matter how old you are--but only if you plan to stay in practice a while longer and want to benefit from the remarkable results you will certainly obtain for the effort. $ To you as a professional and a bit stiff-necked about keeping to the old methods of running a medical practice, you will be awakened to the incredible value of many previously unheard of methods of medical practice business and marketing, because of what I will tell you.$ With the information in this book you will dominate the livelihood of all the doctors you may be working with and who need the knowledge you will have, but are afraid to ask you for your help (It's called positioning yourself for ultimate success--a marketing term.) $ If you are bringing in a new practice partner, or you are joining a group practice, the knowledge you have from this book will enable you to teach them what you know--and they don't know. It's especially important because most new, or even older doctors, have had no significant reliable business education to improve their practice with. **Secure and Confidential**We guarantee your private information will never be released to anyone outside our encoded secure website. Common Business Sense Tells You: 1. Running a medical practice business can't be done with any truly significant expectation of profitability, if you have no knowledge base about how to do it. Why did medical academics leave that out of your curriculumb 2. If every successful business person knows that essential business knowledge is always a critical element to their profitability and productivity, why don't youb Is it just magic that accounts for any physician or other professional healthcare provider being able to earn a reasonable living, or is there a process available to insure it will happenb Yes, there is! 3. Graduation from medical school with a huge debt on your shoulders should be a wake-up-call to you that you might need some kind of business knowledge to pay off the debt and still start and maintain a profitable medical practice. 4. There must be a reason why a highly qualified and experienced medical doctor would bother to write such a book like this unless he had suffered himself because of his ignorance about how to successfully run a small medical practice business. Don't you thinkb Unassailable facts concerning the business of medical practice: Is there anyone else telling you about these thingsb 1. Primary cause of medical practice failure = financial and business ignorance. 2. Essential business foundations = business principles and marketing strategies. 3. Greatest problem = doctors don't know what they don't know. 4. Maximum potential for profitability = using business systems plus marketing. 5. Fundamental business driving force = effective marketing strategies. You probably haven't yet found the time, energy, and desire to educate yourself about running your small business (medical practice). Since your medical school education neglected to teach you about business management and business fundamentals that all successful business people are required to know and use daily to stay on top, it leaves you with three options: A. Hire people to do it for you (cost = approx. $30,000 plus per year). B. Continue on as you are and hope for the best--or give up. C. Do it yourself. It's easier than you might think. *In today's economy most physicians and healthcare providers can't afford option A. *Option B offers only one result......a mediocre practice and a low middle class life style. *Option C fits your practice situation--is the one every physician can make work for them. How much.........depends on the extent of your pain. The do it yourself process for business and marketing implementation provides several unique advantages: 1. Minimal cost and much of it is almost free.2. Easier than memorizing the origins and insertions of body muscles in anatomy. 3. You are in total control of everything.4. Learning business and marketing at your own pace one step at a time. 5. All the information and materials to learn from are in one book (mine).6. Time involved in the process is considerably less than the time you spend correcting office problems, settling disputes, hiring and firing, and other factors that result from poor business office management and financial anarchy. 7. Even if you read the ebook, have all the information, and decide not to put it to use in your own medical practice for some reason, you certainly will have a head start on anyone else in the future if you change your mind. 8. You will have the ability to pass all the business and marketing knowledge on to other doctors who may need help with their practices. It's called prestige. Why most physicians are skeptical about doing it themselves in spite of it saving lots of hard earned money: # Don't have the time.# Don't believe that adding business and marketing will improve their practice income. # Fear of transforming their practice would not work.# Fear that they are incapable of properly managing their new practice business.# They hate management. # Would interfere with the time needed to see patients. If you think about each of these excuses, you know in your heart that you could, without much effort, overcome any of these factors if you chose to do so and had the right reasons to do so. This is especially true for anyone who made a commitment to graduate from medial school, and did it. **Secure and Confidential**We guarantee your private information will never be released to anyone outside our encoded secure website. Clickbank manages the sale of our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. 90 days from day of sale--refund limit ends. Included Free gifts you will find on the download page for your knowledge and edification........ if you order the ebook today. This next section is a real eye-opener for stiff necked doctors! What happens to physicians who refuse to implement business systems into their practice and refuse to do any marketing of their practice businessb Medical practice surveys and studies show exactly what happens: 1. Over their medical practice career doctors leave a million dollars on the table that they never recognized they could have had--the same as dentists and vetinarians, among others. Do you prefer to be in that groupb 2. Increasing practice competition from other physicians, managed care enterprises, and mid level providers erodes any medical practice over time. This book gives you the solutions to that issue. 3. Most failing medical practices lack business and marketing knowledge, don't recognize the value of marketing a business, or see no reasonable alternatives leaving them no choice except to settle for a mediocre practice status, which will slowly succumb to attrition. 4. Physicians are not able to pay for their children's college education, and can't fully fund their retirement plan, or worse. All practice expectations start to disappear---and they don't have to. Now that I have told you the what and why of business and marketing use in medical practice, you need to know the how. Having no solid business or marketing knowledge under your belt, how do you get started with your do-it-yourself restructuring of your medical practice profitabilityb Are your options like theseb a. Hire people to do it all for you. Costs over $30,000 per year. b. Search for business and marketing information on the Internet. However, it will take hours and days to find what you need, and even then, it may not be appropriate for doctors. Secondly, will you know what to use when you find itb Once you have it all, then you have to convert the information to a format you can use for medical practice. Do you know how to do thatb c. Take a college business course. None are focused on medical practice itself. Do you have the time in your practice to do a college course anywayb d. Find books on the topic of medical practice business and marketing. It's extremely rare to find a business and marketing book specifically for use in medical practice by physicians. My ebook offered to you here is the only such book on the market today--at least since 1985 (BC---before computers). The benefits you have by investing in this 350 page BUSINESS AND MARKETINGSOLUTIONS ebook: How To Rapidly Propel Your Medical Practice Income To Unlimited Levels In 6 Months, contains everything you need to know and understand to implement the necessary business and marketing strategies into your medical practice with the goal of profitability in mind. This unique medical practice enhancer is a collection of nearly all of the expert's advice in the fields of business and marketing known to be time tested factors that all successful business owners use to gain their maximum profits with the least work necessary. You don't need to spend days doing research--they're all here in one place--convenient and accessible instantly. Face it, every practicing physician I have ever known over the past 53 years recognizes, once they are in private practice, they are totally unprepared for managing the business of medical practice and should have gained that education earlier. Those who think they are already capable of handling the business of medical practice without an education in business principles, never are able to catch up with those who do get that knowledge. This is not only the time to expand your self-confidence and discover what you can really accomplish in your medical practice but it's the perfect time to raise the bar with the information I have given you today. It's the realistic means to reach goals that you previously may have thought would be impossible. How will you ever know whether the experts you hire to do your business management and marketing really know what they are doing unless you are knowledgeable about it yourselfb This book will provide you with that ability. This book contains business and marketing information that is practical, easy to understand, and has a very unique manner of making readers remember the material much longer than the usual line by line reading. Let me reassure you that all the content is cutting edge material suitable to begin using today, and the content will remain valuable and usable for the rest of your medical practice career. Please be aware of the fact that this ebook has been written by an experienced physician (no ghost writers) specifically for private practice physicians. It's also a rare business opportunity and resource for other healthcare providers who are business owners or managers to far exceed their productivity and income they are now seeing in their business. My mission is to: ---Show you that this is an effort you can handle yourself if you choose. ---Prevent you from making the same ignorant mistakes I made in my practice because the value of the business and marketing processes never entered my mind. ---Burn into your brain the critical necessity for implementing business systems into your practice, and the importance of using marketing strategies on a continuing basis in your practice. ---Continue to provide new and fresh business and marketing ideas and how best to implement them in my free Advanced Medical Practice Business And Marketing Newsletter I have been publishing for several years from my website Medical educators who, without even a mention of the importance of business and marketing knowledge being valuable for medical practice business, predictably, left myself and 99% of other medical students with the idea it wasn't important. Is it any wonder now why so many doctors are financially failing in medical practice and forces those doctors to quit practice early. It pushes medical doctors into employed positions, and creates the financial reasons doctors can't fund their retirement plans or afford to send their kids to college. Have you experienced that yetb It's coming at you fast. **Secure and Confidential**We guarantee your private information will never be released to anyone outside our encoded secure website. Clickbank manages the sale of our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. 90 days from day of sale--refund limit ends. You will find Free gifts on the download page for your knowledge and edification.......if you order the ebook today. Book store value of $275. Why should you trust me and what is it that makes me an expertb Check me out on the Internet! Just don't confuse me Curtis G. Graham, MD with the name of another Curtis R. Graham, who writes and publishes on the Internet. A. Medical Practice: Any physician that spends 39 years in active medical practice, 25 years of that in OB-GYN practice, accumulates a library of special knowledge, skills, and wisdom about the medical profession worthy of sharing with other physicians and healthcare providers, which relatively few doctors actually do. B. Business and Marketing: If you have spent some time in either learning process, you probably are familiar with Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Yanik Silver, Rich Schefren, Maxwell Maltz, Zig Ziglar, Michael Masterson, among others. For the past 7 years studying the business and marketing strategies they teach, I have educated myself at their seminars, read all their books, taken their business courses, attended numerous live conferences, and know and use their strategies and tactics myself. Dan Kennedy is the world's foremost expert in marketing strategies and has written over 80 books about business and marketing. I was selected to join his Peak Performance Group, which many have to wait for years to be invited to join. It was an honor to be around such fantastic smart business experts. C. Personal Expertise: My 40 years of writing experience includes being an author of several books, over 100 articles published on the Internet and elsewhere, and my consulting experience in malpractice litigation cases has enabled me to find an enjoyable and productive second career in my retirement---teaching business and marketing to professionals who need these elements for a highly productive and profitable medical practice, which relatively few doctors ever reach. My Personal Guarantee AShould you become dissatisfied with this ebook for any reason, your money will be refunded to you promptlyAno questions asked!A 90 Day refund limit. When my personal business integrity is at stake, you will find I make no exceptions. I have done my due diligence to assure the information, ideas, and facts in my ebook are of cutting edge materials. As much as possible I have taken the extra steps of providing references to the major issues throughout the ebook, which you can easily find and obtain further information on the details in the book. Dr. Graham Why this ebook is far more important to your medical practice business than the medical skills and knowledge you have been using up to this point: When it comes down to profiting from business knowledge, nothing is more important than listening to and following the experiences and teachings of the world's foremost business experts that do what they themselves say, not just teach it. All successful businesses, including medical practice, must have a promotional factor to fuel the dynamics of growth and profits--marketing. All of your medical skills and knowledge can't do that for you beyond a level of mediocrity and hamstrung potential. If you have never had a formal education in business and marketing or a significant experience in business with a business mentor, your expectations about the goals you have for your medical practice will fall at least 50% short of your future plans. That impediment can be overcome using the advice and information included in my book, newsletter, and website. Be aware of the fact that even the doctors who work the hardest, spend the most hours in practice, and are addicted to the concept that their medical expertise is all that's necessary to succeed, will end their career suffering from the frustration that they could have been a much better physician than they turned out to be. This won't be you....rightb It means that all you have to offer to your patients is a direct result of having the profits from your practice high enough to permit you to obtain the skills and knowledge to reach your maximum potential as a physician. If you can't afford to pay for the new training and knowledge in an ongoing fashion that improves your value to your patients, the profession, and your family, your potential is wasted because of what you could have done otherwise. True peak medical practice business success can only be reached when you are open minded enough to bypass your mental barrier of, You don't know what you don't know. Successful business people know and understand the success factors that most doctors will never know, unless.............. The only effective means of overcoming your practice competition in today's world of midlevel providers, increasing government restrictions on medical practice, managed care medicine, and the ongoing lack of legal caps on malpractice awards, is doing what other physicians are not doing--implementing business systems into their practice business and marketing their practice using strategies known to produce results a doctor can rely on. (They are in the book.) **Secure and Confidential**We guarantee your private information will never be released to anyone outside our encoded secure website. Clickbank manages the sale of our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. 90 days from day of sale--refund limit ends. You will find Free gifts on the download page for your knowledge and edification.......if you order the ebook today. Book store value of $275. Can an ebook create an epiphany for youb This one certainly can and does! Have you noticed............. If you search for credible information, books, articles, and reports showing doctors or other healthcare professionals how to go about improving their income, profits, revenue, or monetary rewards, whatever you choose to call it, you will be very disappointed. There's not much out there specifically for doctors to read and use concerning business of medical practice. You may notice that the national medical meetings for doctors now often include sessions about how to battle the economic crisis, what to do about each financial threat to your medical practice, and what should be done in your practice to prevail. The speaker usually is a doctor with an MBA, non-physician business expert, or another physician who knows something about the business part of medical practice but is not an expert. The problem is: The speakers commonly don't explain the step by step process how to get it done. How much did it cost you for that course.....$300b For $47 you can have all this information you got with the course, and an unbelievable amount of knowledge in addition. Most physicians don't attend the big medical meetings (Could it be for lack of fundsb), and the one's who do, don't select these business sessions as the most important issue to them. When DVDs or CDs from the meetings are offered, most physicians don't buy them, and those who do, rarely take time to watch or listen to them. Wait, there's even more to be aware of......... Just look at what you have already learned just by reading this business and marketing information. The business and marketing industries have essentially given up on trying to convince doctors they need business and marketing knowledge to increase profits. They give up because doctors hide from them, don't believe what these experts tell them, and are not committed to doing the work as advised. Skepticism breeds isolation. My belief is that an experienced physician, who is an expert in business and marketing knowledge based on learning high quality information from the true experts, can deliver the message in a much more acceptable and persuasive way to other physicians. Because my ebook, How To Rapidly Propel Your Medical Practice Income To Unlimited Levels In 6 Months, exposes you to the practical methods medical practices should be using for building practice and profits, you have a decision to make. Do you believe that an investment of $47 in highly credible advice in a 350 page book for physicians and other healthcare providers to use to structure a better medical practice business and be much more profitable, is worth itb Similar books are now sold for well over $150 (You can confirm that yourself by going to Do you know what the consultation fees would be for someone to provide you with all the valuable information contained in this ebookb keep track of the number of hours it takes you to read, not scan, this ebook cover to cover and multiply that number by $2,000. Will your $300 medical textbooks deliver profits to your practice comparable to what this business and marketing ebook can do for $47b No. The price may be increased anytime in the future without notice. The logical time to obtain this incredible knowledge and advice is NOW. I'm sure you know that everything you should learn and implement into your practice can't be completely contained in one ebook. It's purpose is to give you the important basics about business that you can then expand on as you see fit to accomplish your practice goals. Who else is providing you with such important informationb If now is not the right time for you to transform your medical practice, you might consider investing in the ebook to study and use, at a future time. The business principles and marketing strategies don't change over time, but the application of those elements do. Additionally, do you think it's too much to invest in a book that contains valuable medical practice business and marketing strategies no one else has published on this topic in this medical market, and that your risk is zero because there is a total refund guaranteeb Notice that there is a 90 day time limit on the refund. If you receive a refund and continue to use the ebook, it will be a reflection on the value of your personal integrity and responsibility, which you will have to live with. Remember:a. The price may be increased at any time and it would be worth grabbing the book today. b. The information and advice about medical practice business can only be found in one place--and that is only in this rare publication. c. There are many other benefits that the ebook provides for you not mentioned here. d. The cost of $47 (Value over $150) is well worth the mind-bending business and marketing information written for physicians specifically. e. If you were to obtain the information contained in this ebook from a business consultant it would cost you over $10,000 depending on the consultant fees. What have you got to loseb Click the button below for instant access! Consider this purchase as: 1. A gift for yourself that you deserve and need---and the gift of the money you won't be leaving on the table in your career. 2. A present for your spouse (the doctor). 3. A gift for the doctor whom you admire, respect, and treated you so well. 4. A Christmas gift for your partners and associates. 5. A gift for a medical student who will benefit from this medical business information for 40 years or more. 6. Buy 200 and give them to a whole medical student class. Doing that will be the most profitable medical gift they will ever receive. It would likely be a significant tax write-off as well. Multiple ebook purchases are available and can be arranged by calling Dr. Graham at 702-236-6337 or using our message line 702-258-0415 (also our FAX line) --- printed editions can also be arranged and sent as an option. Imagine what it will be like in your medical practice when you can: Buy anything you want and need for your office and practice. Fund your retirement plan to the hilt and pay for your kid's college education. Travel anywhere in the world, go to any medical meeting to expand your medical skills and knowledge and be a much better doctor. This is not a pipedream! These are realistic goals for anyone who has the courage to do what's necessary. How To Rapidly Propel Your Medical Practice Income To Unlimited Levels In 6 Months **Secure and Confidential**We guarantee your private information will never be released to anyone outside our encoded secure website. Clickbank manages the sale of our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products. 90 days from day of sale--refund limit ends. Free digital gifts you can download for your knowledge and edification.......if you order the ebook today. Book store value of $275 A Courtesy Reminder....... By your providing your contact information required by the order process, including your address, phone number, FAX number, and email address, constitutes your permission for us to communicate with you by these means should the need arise. P.S. It's hard to imagine that you or any healthcare provider would ever turn their back on an opportunity like this, especially when you have nothing to lose in the process. If just one single idea is revealed to you out of the hundreds in the book that would push your medical practice into high gear financially, it would be well worth the cost and effort. Without the business and marketing information contained in this ebook, You will continue to struggle with your medical business finances. P.P.S. What saddens me is to see any physician (even you) make a decision not to get involved in marketing their medical practice once you know that the benefits of doing so are so profitable. It would be much better that you find someone you trust implicitly to advise you about the importance of business and marketing. Then take the first step of implementing the single simplest method of marketing (like postcard marketing) and move up another step when you are ready. Dr. Robert Schuller has always said, Start small, Think tall. When you become hungry for more business and marketing help: You can always reach me at my email address or by calling me at 702-258-0415 PST and I will get right back to you. Thank you kindly, Curt Graham, M.D., L C Internet Enterprises, Inc.2404 Mason Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102E-mail = cgmdrx(at) A© 2004-2012 Curtis Graham, M.D., L C Internet Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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