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Breeding And Raising Rabbits | Natural Rabbit Food
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-This e-book is the only one of its kind and reveals field-proven research guaranteed to improve and stabilize the health and productivity of your rabbits!-
Dear Friend: Welcome to ABreeding and Raising RabbitsA My name is David Sherwood and as a Biologist, Ive been researching and caring for rabbits for as long as I can remember. As mentioned in my free email mini-course, Ive had a lot of experience with raising rabbits over the years, and have discovered some very important AgemsA from my research, as well as from the school of Ahard knocksA. From trial and error, I have learned the best way to improve the health and productivity of my rabbits. Like you, I love raising rabbits, and want to share a ton of extra knowledge with you in a new guide I have just compiled and written, called ABreeding and Raising RabbitsA. In this e-book you will get plenty of research that has recently been brought to the surface and clearly explained in easy to understand English. I GUARANTEE that many common problems in raising rabbits can be solved using some simple techniques and changes to your general feeding, breeding, and weaning practices, as well as AoptimizingA their environment. Click the link below to enter a secure site to purchase now. In 5 minutes, you can be reading and learning from a well put together and thoroughly researched document, jam packed with full color charts, graphs, diagrams and clearly outlined principles that are easy to implement, backed by research, and guaranteed to improve and stabilize the health and productivity of your rabbits! I hope you enjoy it and look forward to your comments. _________________________________________________________________________________
*This guide will definitely help you if you answer YES to any of the following questions: Are your Rabbit Does inconsistent in their productionb Do you need to replace them frequentlyb Do you want to decrease the mortality rates of your kits and save money by improving theirA growth and feed efficiencyb Do you want to increase and stabilize the reproductive vigor of your Rabbit Bucks and the fertility and conception rate of your Doesb Are you tired of all the hearsay floating around and want to get to the TRUTH about raising rabbitsb In a nutshell, DO YOU WANT TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY by improving the efficiency, productivity, and stability of your rabbitryb
**This $16.77 e-book guide is only available on this
website and cannot be found in any bookstore.** Click Here to order now-its secure and safe Let me explain what this book is NOT about: 1. NOT about how to build rabbit hutches
2. NOT a discussion on different breeds of rabbits
3. Does NOT list how or where to buy/sell rabbits
4. NOT a book about rabbit diseases
5. NOT a book on composting rabbit manure 6. NOT a lesson on butchering home grown meat
HereAs a quick snapshot of what each chapter is about and how it will help you improve the health and productivity of your rabbits: Breeding and Raising Rabbits
Unearthing the Myths and Stating the Truths
Sherwood Specialty Farms -Table of Contents- Introduction
The Proper Rearing of Prospective Does through Scientifically Proven Feeding Regimes
Chapter 1
Why do First Time Rabbit Does Generally Have a Poor Success Rateb
Chapter 2
How does the Timing of First Insemination and the Body Condition of First-Time Rabbit Does Affect their Reproductive Performance and Culling Rateb Pg.9 Chapter 3
An Easier and More Effective Way to Rear Does. Pg.12 Reproductive Rhythms: The Effects of Breeding Intervals, Litter Size, and Weaning Age on the Future Productivity of the Rabbit Doe Chapter 4
The Effects of Litter Size on the Body Condition and Future Reproductive Performance of Does
Chapter 5 The Effect of Breeding Intervals and Weaning Age on the Body Condition and the Future Reproductive Performance of Rabbit Does
Growth Performance and Health Characteristics of Kits: The Effects of Diet and Weaning Age
Chapter 6
The Importance of a Starter diet and its Influence on Weaning Age
Chapter 7
Doe and Kit Interactions and the Development of the
Kit Digestive System Pg.28
Environmental Influences and their Impact on Rabbit Production
Chapter 8
Photoperiodism and Other Factors Influencing Growth
and Reproductive Traits in Domestic Rabbits
Chapter 9
House Keeping, Disease Prevention, and Feed Efficiency
Supplemental Information
Diagram This is a great visual of the digestive system of the rabbit. Take a little time looking at the highlighted parts and read the short description at the bottom. Pg.44
Definitions of 38 phrases and words used in the book Pg.45
Works Cited Pg.48 *All of the principles discussed in the e-book are backed by published research and successful testing/implementation in the field.* Take a look at what people are saying about the e-book David Sherwood has thoroughly researched the nutritional requirements of rabbits. In his book, he presents research-supported guidelines for successfully raising rabbits on a large or small scale. The book is well illustrated and supported by scientific studies as well as by the authors many years of personal experience and research.
Dr. Carman
Utah AI have just read the book and feel that it will help me with my rabbits. It covers a lot of things I need to know about raising rabbits that other books donAt cover. This book is a must read, whether you are raising for pets, show or meat. I feel this book has been well thought out on the topic of raising and breeding rabbits. Dave, you have done a good job. Rabbit people need a good book that you can understand and this book does that. Good luck to you and everyone,A
Idaho AI dont know much about raising rabbits.. but have been wanting to start in my own back yard on a larger scale. The information led me from one point to another.. and I understood on a very simple level. I feel that someday we will need to know a lot more on how to take care
ofA rabbitsA andA useA them for a food staple.A Your book made sense to me page byA page.A This e-book definitely helps people make simple sense of raising and breedingA rabbits.
Thanks again for the information,A
Anita Click Here to place your order -itAs Secure and Fast! Just a reminder- This is an electronic book (e-book), so you can
start readingA and using the information IMMEDIATELY once you open it
onA your computer.You can even download and print the entireA book for
future reference.
And of course, when you order your copy, you are covered with my 100% money-back guarantee! Simply put, if this book does not give you more value than you paid for it, and if it does not answer your questions, and solve your rabbit problems, then I donAt want to keep your money! I am that confident
that the information in this book will be totally new to you and will surprise you just how simple it will be to reduce your costs and improve your production I guarantee it! My 100% RISK-FREE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE TO YOU You heard me correctly. This amazing guide is guaranteed to work for you. And I stand behind it 100%. Test drive it for 60 days.
If you arent absolutely thrilled with it for any reason, just let me know and Ill give you a full refund.
There are no questions asked, no wiggle clauses and no funny business. You have 60 full days to put it to work for you, and you must either love it or you get a full refund. In my e-book, I will teach you a research-proven and natural system for Breeding and Raising Rabbits. It is time-tested and field-proven! This is a plan that you can follow that will help you correct many common problems in breeding and raising rabbits, starting with setting up the perfect environment and breeding program for your rabbits, PROVEN BY PUBLISHED RESEARCH. **Theres even advice on the best time to wean your kits and how to prepare your first time Does MONTHS before you breed them. These principles will effectively help prevent many health problems common to rabbitries. For your benefit, I am also including all the references to the research cited within the book. Click here to get instant access right now Wishing you and your rabbitAs years of success and productivity. I look forward to hearing back from you in the website AcommentsA area.
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